Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yes You Can!

Yes You Can
"Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours."~Richard Bach~
This beautiful photo was taken by my friend Joan! She attached it to an email and wrote that she was not a Rose, when it came to taking pictures and that these orchids grew in her yard in spite of her! With a little photoshop magic, presto, you have instant art. So yes you can, Joan, you have a great big heart and are always willing to share your time and talents. You live by good example while others silently watch. You set the standard high! Now go get a tissue and start taking more pictures! Argue not, for your limitations, dear one, for they lie only in a misconceived perception of your reality! 

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Gail Dixon said...

I just bought a potted orchid yesterday! They were on sale. Same color as these. Lovely processing. Hope you have a wonderful day!

hootnonny said...

The colors in these orchid are gorgeous. Your processing turned them into pure art!

Lisa Gordon said...

Absolutely magnificent Rosemary!!

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