Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Decision!

America the Beautiful 

Driving southeasterly from Hot Springs, Arkansas to Biloxi, Mississippi was a big decision for us yesterday. Should we avoid New Orleans altogether? We chose to drive to Biloxi as it is east of the Mississippi and closer to home for a quick escape if need be. No cresting predicted for quite a few days, we drove parallel to the Mississippi for a short while. The drive was beautiful and the vastness of our country truly amazing. 

Acres of corn, peppers, beans, wheat, and cotton grew in harmony on perfectly manicured farmland for miles. The noble job of the farmer, well done. We drove thru small towns with names such as, Eudora, The Catfish Capitol, Tallulah, Millikin, Gassoway, Transylvania and many more for a total of 370 miles, arriving at our destination around 6PM. Biloxi is a beach like community bordered by the gulf, still recovering from Katrina. Casinos seem to be the main draw  and I must say, very well attended. A beautiful place to spend the night and discuss our next move. 
Well, a decision was made, we are going to pack John's, brand new Volvo, once again and backtrack to New Orleans, today. His car has the ability to chime to the tune of the Lone Ranger, when you cross the median strip, one to many times without using your directional. An icon of a coffee cup flashes and warns one to stop for a break. So much for the covered wagon and pioneer woman theory.
I am very excited as I consider this to be the highlight of our trip. My sense of direction seems to be returning rather nicely, must be that coastal internal compass thing!
Have a wonderful day!

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Charlotte Wilson said...

So glad you are having a good trip. I love how you describe the scene.
Be safe!

Lisa Gordon said...

It sounds like you are having such a wonderful time Rosemary!!

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