Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Another One of Those Days!

The Ocean is My Stage
"One of the greatest things about the sport of surfing is that you need only three things: your body, a surf-board, and a wave."~Naima Green~
These young men were actually skim boarding, a board on the surf none the less. In this day and age of high tech gismos it was so nice to see them enjoying themselves without a cell phone or video game attached to their anatomy.
Rating a beach day on a scale of one to ten, yesterday was a perfect ten. We were with our daughter and grandchildren who are visiting and friends along with their children. The ocean was that caribbean blue green and the waves were in perfect formation. Not to big or small just the right size to let you know they were in subtle control. The sound of their crash exhilarating. The air smelled of salt and was gently blowing to keep us cool. The sun shown bright not a cloud to be had. The six children in our entourage were entertained for hours by the playfulness of the waves. A day to remember at the beach and add to the tradition of their visits to grandma's and papa's. That's what they are going to take to adulthood, the remembrance of the ocean, the joy and freedom that holds these memories dear. Gifts of experiences, they are the very best to give. Gismos will come and go most likely be forgotten, but the constant of the ocean, now that's a gift that will be forever etched into the memory bank of chilhood. 

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Gail Dixon said...

Ah, what wonderful memories! Sounds like a glorious day. Hope your week is the same.

Lisa Gordon said...

Rosemany, your description makes me feel as though I were there!
Fantastic post!
Have a wonderful evening!

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