Monday, October 3, 2011

Drink The Wild Air!

Drink the Wild Air
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air."~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
I know I've written about my love for the ocean before but I think it deserves repeating here!
Standing on the Naples Pier, I couldn't help notice how the waves were forming. Shooting from the same spot, each of the dozen or so photos I captured displayed a different personality. 

Waves rolled in gently creating a subtle bulge on the ocean surface ending effortlessly on the sandy shore. While others crested high creating foamy peaks falling shy of a musical crescendo. With a fury, some crashed all the way to shore swallowing all that lay in their path, creeping higher and higher. All so captivating and mesmerizing, Mother Nature's calming elixir for all that ails the soul. A lullaby so to speak, a gentle whisper to cradle us in the moment, if only for just a short while! 
When I found this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson I was surprised to read his more than enthusiastic words. Do you think maybe he was a surfer dude? Read the quote again!!!
Have a wonderful day!

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hootnonny said...

Love the title Rose, and poetically described. Have a great day and get in there and do the laundry!

Gail Dixon said... may be on to something here. :)

Kim Stevens said...

Oh you and me both on the love for the ocean and I love Emerson's quotes!

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