a fearless hunter...
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."~Gandhi~
Trying to escape the ills and evils of the world, a trip to the beach would surely be the elixir! Barbaric media images, were now embedded deeply upon the scanner and keeper of my soul! The horror and the scoundrels who committed the horror, remain forever, a mystery to my being! Why?
Families destroyed, life disrupted as we know it. Sweet innocence lost, their genius never to be.
My roots are in the Boston area! I knew that some family members would surely attend the race! Panic filled my heart and the phone calls began! Thankfully all are fine! My sister and her family, stranded in Boston, were finally able to leave by train.
Definitely a perfect 10 beach day, my therapy would begin. Hardy breezes cooled the high ninety degree temperature! A large heron greeted me as soon as I placed my feet in the sand. His massive wing span and overall size were truly amazing. He flew off in a hurried swoosh! Darn where is that camera when I need it?
All settled, chair placed perfectly in the sand, cooler close by, towels laying flat, soda in one hand and my instrument of capture perched firmly on my lap, I was ready! Bring it on!
Moments later Mr. Heron, returned to my left. Engrossed by any tidbit that an angler might cast his way. Too pre-occupied and hungry to allow my shutter button to frighten him off, he waltzed toward me.
Click, click, click, many photos later, forever grateful for his grand performance, he meandered along, scrutinizing the shoreline.
The heron is a bird of immense symbolism and folklore. For me he symbolized hope, on this sunny day. A much-needed gift from the universe to divert my fears, enabling my tentative belief in humanity once again!
Boston, a city steeped in tradition, founded by heroes, a legacy carried on, through all the efforts of those involved! Home of the BRAVE!!!
We love you Boston! You make us proud!
I was so impressed by this gorgeous heron that I decided to make him my new blog header. A peaceful reminder, that we must hold onto faith and hope, no matter the circumstances.