Saturday, October 29, 2011

Beauty Without Expression Is Boring!

"Beauty without expression is boring."~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
My 365 day journey is coming to an end, I will stop posting everyday and probably post once or twice a week thereafter or at least when I find something interesting to photograph and write about. 
Just when you think you have seen the last wedding photo from me I post another one! 
Well folks I just couldn't help myself on this one. It is my all time favorite. I took this photo of Allicyn just before entering the reception and the pro photographer was shooting her from the front. I loved many of my 500 photos but this one just sings to my artistic soul! I love the way the light and the wind are dancing romantically around her creating an ethereal effect.
 A very happy photolistic accident on my part. 
Some of you may be thinking well why do you love it so much, you cannot see her face and your son is not in the photo? Well because I am speaking from a totally artistic point of view. 
This one is for the artist in me the rest of the photos are for a mom to cherish! 
Just can never suppress that artist thing it always seems to resurface and finds a way to manifest itself imprinting joyous joy on my unsuspecting absorbent soul! 
My guess is I will continue to feed the little beast and trust my instincts even at the risk of seeming odd! 
Wait until I really get old kids!!!
Have a wonderful day!

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Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A magnificent photo! I can understand exactly why you love it. The dress and lace on the veil look like they are made for the wind. Such a beautiful dress and bride.

hootnonny said...

What a beautiful and special image to end your 365 with (or in proper grammar circles, with which to end your 365.)

Will miss your daily posts, but now you'll have time for laundry!

Gail Dixon said...

I agree, the photo has an ethereal quality for sure. That was the first word that came to mind. I know you'll be sad when the project ends, but at least you can relax. Right? The photo is just...WOW!

Emreen said...

A beautiful image... Love the details on the dress... This is a brilliant capture..for sure.. !!

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