Friday, March 25, 2011

The Big Dig!

The Headless Hunter
Could I make this stuff up, even if I tried! This guy had a ritual that could rival high tea at noon in Buckingham Palace! I was watching the woman to the left, hunting for treasure, in her own little time-warp, when she looks up to witness this guy perform a wringing out ceremony!
Let's give him a name! How about, Bob! So Bob starts bobbing up and down, stands on one foot bobs, then the other, bobs up and down even more. Bob flapped his ams drying them in the sun, pulled out his bathing suit sides flapping them in the wind, then proceeds to grab the excess fabric in front wringing it out like it had absorbed the entire ocean. It's when he migrated south and to the rear that even my good angel screamed shoot! She knew I had a camera!
Me thinks there had to be a couple of shells lodged a little to the north in the crevice of no return. Maybe we could call this one the Big Dig! See what that super-moon can do to you!
Finally Bob relented, walked to his chair oblivious to the crowd he had attracted. Bob's waiting mate oblivious as well, I think she has witnessed this type of behavior before. I have to say for an older guy his balance is still pretty good!
Can you only imagine what this poor woman was thinking??? Just give her a caption in your head and we will keep it private! Alas mate, the beach a symphony in motion!

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Gail Dixon said...

Haha, love it! The Big Dig and the Headless Hunter...perfect! You've got a photography gold mine on that beach of yours. Thanks for the laugh today.

Lisa Gordon said...

What a sweetheart you are Rosemary!!
Once again, thank you for the smiles!!
:-) :-)

Cynthia said...

This one made me laugh to the point of tears!

hootnonny said...

I am so glad that I decided to see what I've missed! I knew there were babies in the moon, but didn't know there were devil photogs! :-)

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